About Kiril Conchev


Kiril's interest in a holistic approach to health and well being began in his early childhood. At the age of 6 on his summer break, he remembers helping his grandfather collect herbs and prepare herbal formulas. Around that time he received his first cupping session.

In his early 20's, after his mandatory military service in Europe, he struggled with chronic aches and pains. He eventually met a healer, who through body work and other healing modalities helped him to restore his health. This man became his first teacher and a mentor. After such a powerful healing experience, Kiril became fascinated with all of the amazing techniques available in the field of therapeutic body work.

For more than two decades, Kiril has been practicing and studying various types of body work with many gifted teachers from the United States and Europe. Realizing that emotions are deeply embedded in our bodies, he also studied Somatic Trauma Release© based on the technique developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine.

Whether you are dealing with a stubborn chronic injury, preparing for your next race or just needing to let go of mental and physical stress, Kiril will work with you to find a harmonious union between body and mind. He uses a combination of knowledge, experience, intuition and genuine care to effectively address the many different layers of an injury, chronic condition, or deeply-embedded stress.